ADHD Assessment
Do You Want To Know For Sure If You Have ADHD?
Are you struggling to stay on task, meet deadlines, and manage your time? Do you have symptoms of ADHD, but you haven’t been diagnosed? Does part of you suspect that you might have a learning disorder or anxiety disorder, and you want to get a diagnosis once and for all?
When you’re dealing with ADHD, you might have trouble focusing and being productive. The little things may slip your attention, causing your work performance to suffer. You may worry that you won’t keep your job or pass classes in school. Perhaps you feel irritable, impatient, and on a short fuse with everyone around you. Maybe you wonder if you have ADHD or something else entirely.
If you are an adult who wants to know if you have ADHD, we encourage you to contact us for an assessment. This is a chance to get to the bottom of your symptoms and figure out what accommodations you need in school or the workplace.
Take a look at the PDF below to learn about the differences between a standard evaluation and our ADHD clinic evaluation!
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Many People Don’t Even Know They Have ADHD Because They Don’t Get Evaluated
Despite how common ADHD is, a lot of people with it don’t get evaluated properly. Some of them don’t even know their symptoms are a result of ADHD—after all, the condition has many similarities with learning disorders and anxiety disorders. As a result, many ADHD sufferers carry a misdiagnosis with them throughout life.
What’s more, a lot of people simply don’t understand the benefits of ADHD psychological testing. Not only can it rule out other disorders, but it can also help people figure out what accommodations they need in the workplace or their school environment. Those who are hyperactive or easily distracted by the presence of others can learn to advocate for themselves and access quieter spaces for working or taking tests.
Because of how positively an assessment can impact your life, we encourage you to schedule one with us. This is a chance to get the answers you need and figure out a gameplan for the future.
An Assessment Can Help You Strategize How To Succeed With ADHD
There are many different forms of ADHD because attention itself is divided into different categories. You might have trouble with executive functioning, working memory, or selective or divided attention. One of the goals of the assessment is to pinpoint what attention issue is at the heart of your ADHD.
Once we figure this out, it becomes much easier to brainstorm the accommodations you need. For instance, if you’re in a master’s program that requires you to maintain an above-average grade, the evaluation can help you get accommodations regarding what your grade needs to be.
Additionally, you can identify where your cognitive strengths and challenges lie. You can learn how to compensate for your cognitive challenges by knowing where your roadblocks are. Do loud noises prevent you from getting work done? Is it hard to sit still and focus on one task for sustained periods of time? Answering these questions can help us get a clearer picture of your needs.
What To Expect In The ADHD Evaluation
After completing the initial paperwork, we’ll have you come in for a one-hour intake interview to go over your symptoms. Next, we will begin the ADHD psych evaluation, which usually lasts about two to four hours. Lastly, you will come for a feedback session to discuss accommodations, referrals, coping strategies, and any other important information.
The whole assessment process generally lasts about two weeks and you can expect to get your results back two weeks after it’s all done. Because the evaluation lasts two to four hours, we encourage you to bring water and a snack. You can also bring a loved one to the interview and feedback sessions, as their input can help us get a better understanding of your symptoms.
Ultimately, we believe that getting support for ADHD can help level the playing field in school or the workplace. An assessment is a chance to develop a gameplan for years to come, ensuring that you can thrive in spite of your ADHD.
You May Have Some Concerns About An ADHD Assessment…
Take a look at our ADHD Clinic! It may be a better fit.
We also have financing available through medicard!
Book a consultation here for more information -
Most plans do! Before coming it’s good to check with your provider.
No one else has to see the report besides you. We will not disclose the results of your ADHD assessment to anyone (unless you give us permission).
You Can Live A Joyful Life Even With ADHD
ADHD does not have to hold you back in life. If you want to get the answers you need about your condition and learn how to thrive in spite of it, we would be honored to help you out. To connect with us, you can use the contact form, or click here to schedule a phone consultation.